J. Mendel

Antique Camera Collection KODAK ADS 1886-1923 - MANY

Description: The Most Extensive Collection of KODAK Advertisements 1886 - 1923 VINTAGE Images $8 for all 521 Ads FREE U.S.A. shipping included. You will receive these on a CD, everything sorted out and labeled. No cameras or anything else included. We have this wonderful private collection and have sorted and arranged them in an easy to view format, all organized. 100 hours of work have gone into creating this CD Rom for you. 521 ADS Total from the following years... 1892 - 5 ADS - Folding Kodak King of Kameras Kodak. 14 Styles and Sizes for 1892. KODAKS 14 Styles and Sizes for 1892 Photographic Outfits "Daylight" Kodaks. 1893 - 5 ADS - Kolumbus Kodaks Solio. Take A Kodak With you to the World's Fair. The Kodak at the North Pole There is no Kodak but the Eastman Kodak 1894 - 4 ADS - Home Photography is Easy Premo Camera The Amateur Camerist Begins Well The Camera to Buy 1895 - 3 ADS - Built to Satisfy... One Button Does it. The Pocket Kodak 1896 - 2 ADS - The $ 5.00 Pocket Kodak The Pocket Kodak 1897 - 3 ADS - Cartridge Kodaks. $ 25.00 Eastman Kodak Co. The Eastman Amateur Photographic Contest. 1898 - 6 ADS - 1898 Kodaks 1898 Kodaks Folding Pocket Camera Holidays are Kodak Days Holidays are Kodak Days Picture Taking with a BULLS-EYE KODAK 1899 - 5 ADS - 1899 Kodaks A Roll of 12 Kodak Films Folding Pocket Kodaks Pocket Photography There is no Kodak but the Eastman Kodak Pre - 1900 ADS - Not Specifically Dated $ 6.00 and $ 10.00 Kodaks. F. W. Becker "The Kodak Man" Folding Pocket Kodaks Free Dark Rooms at the World's Fair. Hawk-Eye If it isn't an Eastman, it isn't a Kodak. 2 & 6 Exposure Kodak Cartridges. If you ask at the store for a Kodak... Photography Simplified The Charm of Winter Photography. The Vest Pocket Kodak What Rudyard Kipling Thinks of the Pocket Kodak. 1900 – 7 ADS Eastman Kodak Co.'s Brownie Camera $1 Eastman Kodak Co.'s Brownie Cameras $1.00 Kodak Kodak Films Take a Kodak home for Christmas The Kodak Christmas The Kodak Christmas Merriest Christmas 1901 - 10 ADS Fifteen of the Prize Winning Pictures Just Married Goerz Lenses and Eastman Kodaks Kodak Kodak and Brownie Cameras Help to Make the Christmas Merry Take a Kodak with you Take a Kodak with you Take a Kodak with You. Folding Pocket Kodaks The Folding Pocket Kodaks The Kodak Triumph of Kodakery 1903 - 12 ADS "It Works Like A Kodak." Brownies For Christmas "Kodakery" means photography with the bother left out -- better results too. Kodak Developing Machine "Vacation" means more if you Kodak. A Holiday Hint Kodak A vacation without a Kodak is a vacation wasted A vacation without a Kodak is a vacation wasted. Brownies For Christmas Kodak The Boy with a Brownie The Boy with a Brownie The New 3A Folding Pocket Kodak The New 3A Folding Pocket Kodaks 1904 - 10 ADS A Christmas Morning Kodak In war as in peace The Kodak is at the front Japan Through My Camera Kodak Progress. Proof of the complete success of the Kodak Developing Machine Proof of the complete success of the Kodak Developing Machine The Greatest War Photographs Ever Taken. "The Greatest Battle Since Gettysburg." There is No Dark-Room in the Kodak way of picture making. Vacation Days are Kodak Days Vacation Days are Kodak Days 1905 - 7 ADS Bring your Vacation Home in a Kodak Hunt with a Kodak If it isn't an Eastman, it isn't a Kodak Kodak Simplicity Most of the opportunities for making mistakes are removed by the Kodak System The Folding Brownie The New Folding Brownies 1906 - 10 ADS For every boy or girl, there's a Merry Christmas in the Kodak Box. Kodak Kodak Kodak Tank Development The Kodak The Kodak The Most Sensible Xmas Or New Year Gift The New 4A Folding Kodak There's a world of delight in Kodak There's a world of delight in Kodak Home Portraiture 1907 - 7 ADS Development is at your convenience, when you use the Kodak Tank Royal Velox So simple that any boy or girl can operate them, so perfect in lens and shutter that they are capable of making most excellent pictures -such are the Brownie Cameras The Kodak Christmas Story The Kodak Christmas Story The story of a Summer vacation as Told by the Kodak Time and Temperature 1908 - 23 ADS "Oh For A Camera"-Premo The Kodak Baby Book Film Development with the Kodak Tank It's all Pleasure with a Hawk-Eye Kodak Kodak Kodak Kodak Means Photography With the Bother Left Out. Let the Children Kodak Let the Children Kodak Premograph Seeing is Getting with Premograph Take a Kodak with you Take a Kodak with you Take a Kodak with you The 3a Folding Pocket Kodak The Baby's Picture The New No. 3 Bulls-Eye Kodak The No. 2 Brownie The No. 2A Brownie The No. 3A Folding Pocket Kodak The Vest Pocket Kodak There's more to the vacation when you Kodak 1909 - 22 ADS "Oh, For A Camera" "Oh, For A Camera" A New Hawk-Eye The Complete Pocket Camera. For old and young there is a fascination in photography- Kodak Kodak Let the Children Kodak Let the Children Kodak Let the Children Put Kodak on That Christmas List PICTURE MAKING is as easy as PICTURE TAKING by the KODAK SYSTEM Put "Kodak" on that Christmas List. SPEED KODAK THE KODAK in the BALKANS The No. 0 Folding Pocket Kodak $6.00 There are no game laws for those who hunt with a Kodak There's no better fun than Picture Taking There's no dark room with a Kodak Tank There's No Dark Room With A Kodak Tank There's Nothing Too Good for That Boy They All Remembered The Kodak They Work Like Kodaks. The Brownie Family Provides a Camera for Every Boy and Girl Witchery of Kodakery A Christmas Morning Kodak A Kodak Eastman Kodak Co.'s Brownie Cameras It is Kodak Simplicity Kodak Kodak Kodak Simplicity Kodaks For Christmas The Dark-Room Abolished by the Kodak Developing Machine The Growth and Triumph of an Idea Tis the Kodak Quality Told by the Kodak 1910 - 47 ADS A Folding Pocket Brownie A Special Kodak All out-doors invites your Kodak At Home with The Kodak Be sure it's a Kodak Experiment with no experiments. Load your Kodak with Kodak Film. KODAK at the North Pole Kodak Film Tank Let the Children Kodak Make somebody happy with a Kodak Make somebody happy with a Kodak. Speed Pictures- Kodak Convenience. No. 1 Speed Kodak Take a Kodak with you Take a Kodak with you The Pocket Premo C Your Vacation Film A Kodak Lesson from Motion Pictures All out-doors invites your Kodak All out-doors invites your Kodak All out-doors invites your Kodak All out-doors invites your Kodak All out-doors invites your Kodak All out-doors invites your Kodak All out-doors invites your Kodak All out-doors invites your Kodak All out-doors invites your Kodak All out-doors invites your Kodak Get Action In its more than twenty years of splendid progress, Kodak Film has, by reason of its consistent dependability, won the absolute confidence of those who know photography best. It's a merry Christmas for the one who gets a Premo Junior It's a merry Christmas for the one who gets a Premo Junior Keep a record of the summer's pleasures with a Premo Kodak on the Spot Make somebody happy with a Kodak Make the Children happy with a Kodak Make the Children happy with a Kodak Only $ 1.50 The New No. 0 Premo Jr. Take a Kodak with you Take along a Brownie Take along a Brownie The 1A Special Folding Pocket Kodak The Kodak Book The news pictures of all the world are made on Kodak Film The Simple, Kodak Way The Special Kodaks The Truth About Orthochromatism The Witchery of Kodakery 1912 - 26 ADS "Proof Positive" "Proof Positive" "The World is mine--- I own a Kodak" All the joys of the Crisp Out-doors invite your Kodak At Home with a Kodak Get Action Speed Kodak Get Action: Just an easy handful of Kodak Film Kodak Kodak Simplicity Kodak Way No. 1A Pocket Kodak On every outing: Kodak On every outing: Kodak On every outing: Kodak On every out-of-doors day: Kodak On every out-of-doors-day: Picture taking is simpler than you think - if you do it the Kodak Way Take a Kodak with you Take along a Brownie The Kodak Scouts The one out-door sport that fits in with every other out-door sport: Kodakery The Premo Junior Camera No. 1 There's a photographer in your town There's a profit side as well as a pleasure side in the use of a Kodak on the farm. You can easily make good pictures with a Kodak 1913 - 29 ADS A boy's sport and a boy's camera. Brownie Cameras. All out-doors invites your Kodak Honest workmanship has become a habit in the Kodak factories. It's Springtime. Kodak Kodak Kodak Film Tank Kodak Home Portrait Kodak Method Kodak. No better fun in the world - for boys or grown-ups - than picture-taking with a Brownie. And the taking is only half the fun. Premoette Jr. Scout with A Kodak Scout with A Kodak Speed and Precision The Special Kodaks Take a Kodak with you Take a Kodak with you The companion of every outing - the friend of all lovers of the open - the KODAK The Kodak Gift case The very thing! A Kodak The Witchery of Kodakery There's a photographer in your town There's a photographer in your town There's a photographer in your town There's a photographer in your town There's a photographer in your town There's a photographer in your town Your photograph-- 1914 - 24 ADS All out-doors invites your Kodak As right as a full jeweled watch. Vest Pocket Kodak with Kodak Anastigmatic lens For Christmas Morning, A Kodak Graflex Cameras It becomes more sport for the boy who Kodaks. Made with the Dollar Brownie Make Your Kodak Autographic No. 0 Brownie Premo cameras Scout with a Kodak Take a Kodak with you The Autographic Kodak The Autographic Kodaks The Kodak Boy The Kodak Girl The Kodak Story The little camera that does big things. No. 0 Brownie The New No. 1A Kodak Jr. The Story of the Kodak Album The Story of the Kodak Album There's a photographer in your town There's a photographer in your town Use an Autographic Kodak. Every negative that is worth making is worth a date and a title. Vest Pocket Kodak fitted with Kodak Anastigmat Lens f.8. $ 10.00 1915 - 34 ADS All out-doors invites your Kodak All out-doors invites your Kodak Anywhere--everywhere Kodak Autographic Kodak For Christmas--your photograph. For the boy- A Kodak Graflex Cameras Graflex Cameras Graflex Cameras Holidays are Kodak Days Keep a Kodak Baby Book Keep a Kodak Baby Book Kodak Make the Kodak record Autographic--Authentic Make Your Kodak Autographic Out-Of-Doors-Days Popular Premo Junior Camera Take a Kodak with you Take a Kodak with you The always welcome gift-- A Kodak The always welcome gift-- A Kodak The New 3A Kodak The New Folding Autographic Brownie The No. 1 Autographic Kodak, Junior The No. 1 Autographic Kodak, Junior The Story of the Kodak Album There are no game laws for those who hunt with a Kodak There's a photographer in your town This is the camera Premoette Jr. This is the picture and this is the price $5.00 Who? When? Where? Write it on the film -- at the time. Write it on the film -- at the time. Write it on the film -- at the time. Write the data on the negative. 1916 - 25 ADS A happy Christmas thought--Kodak A new Kodak in a new size A real camera for seventy-five cents! All Kodak Film is now Speed Film An Institution Autographic Kodak Graflex Camera -- makes Sure of the focus and picture! Graflex Camera -- shows you the picture In Focus as you take it Holidays are Kodak Days Keep a Kodak Story of the Children Kodak as you go Kodak Dominates Kodak System Let the Children Kodak Let the Children Kodak Let the Easter card carry the message... Let your Kodak tell the story of days afield On every out-of-doors day--Kodak Panoram Kodaks She wants a Premo for Christmas Take a Kodak with you Take a Kodak with you There are no game laws - and no accidents - for those who hunt with a Kodak Write it on the film -- at the time. Your friends can buy anything you can give them--except your photograph. 1917 – 40 ADS "Kodak" "Oh Dad -- How Did You Know?" "Oh Dad -- How Did You Know?" Autographic Kodak Autographic Kodak Before He Goes Every out-of-doors sport invites your Kodak For your Soldier Boy in camp or at the front... Graflex Camera Hardly a Handful. Quality all Through Hike with a Brownie It's a Kodak! It's a Kodak! Keep a Kodak Story of the Baby Keep a Kodak Story of the Children Keep the Portraits of your Heroes Kodak Kodak knows no dark days Kodak on the Farm Kodak on the Farm Kodak, as you go Kodak, as you go Kodak, as you go Pictures from Home Pictures from Home Snap-Shots from Home Spring-time on the Farm Take a Kodak with you The Brownie Boy The Kodak in Camp The Kodak Letter The Kodak Story of the War The parting gift -- A Vest Pocket Kodak The Picture From Home The simplest of cameras -- Premo Film Pack Cameras The thin, slim Camera that fits the pocket, 2c Kodak, Jr. There's winter sport too -- in a Kodak Those things that need your attention on the farm Vest Pocket Autographic Kodak With Kodak and Brownie Write it on the film -- at the time. 1918 - 21 ADS "The metal grew tired and broke" - photography's verdict A Dull Cloudy Day -- but a Perfect Snapshot But now--the Camera tells them where they are going! Captain Donald Thompson, the man who took the Czecho-Slovak pictures in this issue, wrote: Folding Premo Camera Graflex Camera for Unusual Photographs Jerusalem Regained Keep your Kodak Busy. News from the Front--then...and now! Photography Goes "Over the Top" Photography Rediscovers the Unicorn Prove it - with a Kodak See the picture before you snap it The Day of His Going The Greatest Mother in the World There's Cheer in the Pictures from Home There's Cheer in the Pictures from Home They doubted Columbus--but we believed Scott's photographs To the People of Germany they said:-If it isn't an Eastman it isn't a Kodak! Women of America! You can get them -- with a Graflex 1919 - 19 ADS A Kodak Christmas For the Days to Come His First Dress Suit Keep a Kodak Story of the Children Keep a Kodak Story of the Children Kodak Kodak -- the gift that helps to make her Christmas merry... Kodak News from the Farm Kodak, as you go Let the Children Kodak Mapping Alaska's Mountains -- with the Squeeze of a Bulb One-half the world now knows how the other half lives Photographing a Thirty-Thousandth of a "Click" Photography Goes "Over the Top" Photography's Aid in the Mending of Men The Day That Will Never Come Again The First Portrait Photograph The Kodak Album The Kodak Film 1910s, Undated - 20 ADS A Kodak - and won't they be pleased A Vest Pocket Kodak All out-doors invites your Kodak Between Friends- A Kodak Give a Kodak Have your Kodak handy Keep a Kodak Story of the Children Keep a Kodak Story of the Children Kodak as you go Kodak as you go Kodak Keeps the Story Kodaks Of The Children. Let Kodak tell the story Let the Children Kodak Put a Kodak in your Pocket Take a Kodak with you The Autographic Kodak The Kodak Album There's always a chance for Kodak There's Always More Fun with a Brownie 1920 - 22 ADS All out-doors invites your Kodak Among the Christmas Gifts Anywhere--everywhere Kodak At home with a Kodak For the out-of-doors days KODAK For the out-of-doors days: Kodak If it isn't an Eastman, it isn't a Kodak It doubles the fun with a Brownie along Kodak as you go Kodak as you go Kodak as you go Kodak as you go Kodak as you go Lamson Works for Kodak Let Kodak Sell Your Livestock The History of a Word The Pocket Premo The Pocket Premo Two "k's", an "o", a "d" and an "a" Vest Pocket Autographic Kodak What "KODAK" Means You don't carry a Vest Pocket Kodak; you wear it, like a watch 1921 - 26 ADS A Kodak Self-Portrait A Page of Brownies A Page of Brownies All out-doors invites your Kodak All out-doors invites your Kodak All out-doors invites your Kodak At Home with the Kodak EASTMAN Enlarged from a negative made with a Two Dollar BROWNIE Five-O'Clock Tea Keep the Christmas Story with a Kodak Kodak Kodak Anastigmat f.7.7 and the no. 2c Autographic Kodak, Jr. Kodak as you go Kodak as you go Kodak yourself and your catch Let your Kodak keep the Christmas Story That trip we all took together it's as real TODAY as it was last Summer The Brownie Girl The No. 2C Autographic KODAK, Junior There's a photographer in your town There's always more fun with a Kodak along They are your Pictures Vest Pocket Autographic KODAK Special Vest Pocket Autographic KODAK Special What the 2A Brownies do 1922 - 25 ADS A Brownie for Christmas A DRASTIC CUT KODAK and GRAFLEX Prices A new model Kodak-and just in time for Christmas All out-doors invites your Kodak Camp with a Kodak Every sport is more a sport with a KODAK GRAFLEX Her Christmas Kodak Keep a Kodak Story of the Children Keep Christmas with a Kodak Keep the story with a Kodak Kodak as you go Let your KODAK catch the picture No. 1 Autographic Kodak Special A New Model Kodak Pictures of your pets with a BROWNIE Pictures of your pets with a Brownie Take a Kodak with you Take a Kodak with you Take a Kodak with you The Special Kodaks There's a story at your house that KODAK can tell There's always more fun with a KODAK This Christmas your photograph - the only gift that only you can make. Winter days invite your Kodak Your story with your Kodak 1923 - 3 ADS Autographic Brownies Bring Along a Brownie Get it with a Brownie These are high resolution images of a variety of print ads, from newspaper, magazine, and specialty magazines. They are black and white and some are color. There are most suitable for research, printing on your to accompany your collection, or to print, and put on the wall for display. Most of them will print up to 8 1/2" x 11". All sales are final. You will receive these on a CD, everything sorted out and labeled. No cameras or anything else included. International shipping and handling will be the price determined on the online ebay calculator for your country.

Price: 7.5 USD

Location: Los Angeles, California

End Time: 2023-12-28T05:02:51.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

Product Images

Antique Camera  Collection KODAK ADS 1886-1923 - MANYAntique Camera  Collection KODAK ADS 1886-1923 - MANY

Item Specifics

All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted

Brand: Kodak

Country of Manufacture: United States


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