J. Mendel

Heirloom Tomato Seeds - Many Unusual Varieties - One Shipping Charge

Description: Heirloom Tomato Seeds - 100 + Seeds in Each Assortment You will receive 10 labeled seed packets of 10 + seeds (most will be 12-15 seeds) of each variety in the assortment you select. So 10 varieties = 100 plus seeds. These are open pollinated seeds from my personal garden. I grow 15-20 varieties every year. I do not use pesticides and keep it non-GMO & organic. I don't advertise that because I don't have the government stamp of approval to back that up. I have to send seeds with tracking to maintain my seller status - all will be shipped in a bubble mailer. I will ship one packet of seeds or 1,000 packets of seeds for $4.26 - be sure to use the shopping cart so it reflects the shipping discount. Photos of the varieties offered are in the drop down ordering menu above. I will be adding varieties & descriptions on an ongoing basis. Alice's Dream - Discovered in 2015, these came from an accidental cross between Blue Gold and an unknown Indigo tomato. Very productive, indeterminate plants have good disease resistance and are productive even in low temperatures. Very attractive, high in anthocyanins yellow-black juicy fruits with red veins weigh to 400 g and are known as one of the biggest and prettiest among Indigo varieties fruits. Sweet, complex flavor and wonderful citrus aroma. Indeterminate with regular leaves. Americke Pyramidni - Carmine pink beefsteaks ripen quite early in the season on compact plants. The flavor of these 10-12 oz. Russian tomatoes is very good and production is excellent. Amish Paste - Dates back to the turn of the century, and is the best for sauces and canning. Large pink/red fruits in varying shapes/sizes (many of mine were heart shaped as shown), with "real tomato" flavor. Not overly acidic. Indeterminate. 74 days. Amy's Sugar Gem - Developed by Jeff McCormack who crossed the small fruited 'Red Cherry' with the larger heirloom 'Tappy's Finest'. 'Amy's Sugar Gem' is named in honor of Amy Hereford whose grandmother "Tappy" introduced Jeff to heirloom tomatoes in 1982. The 'Sugar Gem' portion of the name refers to the sweet flavor and the tiny light gold sparkles in the red skin. Yields large crops of 2 ounce, golf ball sized tomatoes that have a small core and a sweet, well-balanced flavor. A great snacking tomato, salad tomato or for tomato sauces. Indeterminate - 75 days. Apricot Brandywine - Potato leaved plants produce plenty pale yellow-orange fruits that weigh between 8-16 ounces. Fruits begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant and keep going until later in the season. Azerbagan of Boku - Mid-season. Heirloom variety from Baku, Azerbaijan. Indeterminate plants with regular leaf foliage. Tomatoes are pink color, flat rounded, slightly ribbed at the top. Fruit weight 300-600 gr. Very good flavor and juicy, meaty texture. High yielding. Basinga - A very good producer of pale yellow, four inch fruits that may have a slight pink blush around the stem. These are a sweet, meaty beefsteak type. Indeterminate - 80 days. Beautiful Dreamer - This a a fairly new variety developed by Tom Wagner. It is a cross between "White Beauty", "Brandy Stripes" and "Brad's Sleeves". This is a smaller, salad sized tomato with indigo shoulders. Mine was a very good producer and is still going as I write this in October... in Ohio, no less! Indeterminate - 75 Days. Bisignano #2 - Sturdy, wild vines set out four different fruit shapes. Oval, globes, plums, and large heart shapes. All are thick walled and meaty, deep orange-red with full, rich tomato flavor. One of the best processing types out there, they are equally good in salads. I love them for salsa. Bisignano starts producing fairly early and keeps going until a hard frost. At time of writing it is October 6th in Ohio... and it is still producing! Indeterminate - 70 Days. Big Italian Plum - Regular leaf plants yield large, sweet, red, 8-12 oz., paste type tomatoes that resemble fat banana peppers. Excellent for thick paste tomato and canning. A great standard for your garden. Indeterminate. Big Rainbow - Stunning shades of gold to scarlet and everything in between make this heirloom variety truly stand out. Giant fruits, up to 2 pounds, have a rich balance of acids and sugars that gives it a true old-fashioned tomato taste. Resistant to foliar disease and cracks. Indeterminate. 90 DAYS. Big Red - A long running favorite, Big Red is a variety you may have seen in your grandparents' garden. Fruits grow up to 1.5 pounds on indeterminate vines and are sweet with just enough bite for a home-grown taste. Black Bayou - These are a smaller, very eye catching tomato. I traded for seeds and can't find anything online about them. Photos are of the ones I grew summer of 2020... they were a very dark blue, appearing black and green when ripe. Timeline from when planted in the ground was 75-80 days. Black Brandywine - Bred in the 1920s by Dr. Harold E. Martin (1888 -1959), a dentist turned plant breeder from Westown, PA, from a cross between Brandywine and Fejee Improved (a brown beefsteak) tomato. Seeds passed to seed collector, William Woys Weaver, of Pennsylvania by way of his Quaker grandfather, who got them from his friend Dr. Martin. Indeterminate plants that produce good yields of 10-16 oz., purple/black beefsteak tomatoes with rich, earthy complex, tomatoey sweet flavors. Superior for salads, salsa, sandwiches. and cooking. 80-90 days. Black Brown Boar - A unique variety similar to Black Zebra, but with bigger and less ribbed fruits. Extremely productive plants are very vigorous and have thick shoots. Beautifully colored, red and brown fruits that weigh 100-250 g are covered with green stripes. Tasteful, refreshing and delicately spicy taste and excellent complex aroma. Very rare variety worth cultivating. Indeterminate. 74 days. Black Dragon - An extremely heavy producing Roma type, bearing plum shaped fruits ripening to a dark red-chocolate. Great for any plum tomato uses, excellent flavor. With proper growing, a single plant can produce over 50 pounds of fruit! Indeterminate - 70 Days. Black Krim - My husband's favorite. Also called Black Crimea and introduced to SSE by Lars Olov Rosenstrom of Sweden. Originally from the Crimean peninsula in the Black Sea. Beefsteak fruits are a unique combination of violet-brown and purple-red—they turn almost black with sufficient sunlight and heat. Excellent full flavor. Indeterminate, 70-90 days from transplant. Black Mountain Pink - An heirloom from Black Mountain area in Harlan County, Kentucky. It was found at an abandoned homestead in the fall of 1993. Large fruits with clear skin can grow to 3 lbs. Dense, deep rose flesh with outstanding flavor. Regular leaf, indeterminate vines with very impressive production - 95 days. Bloody Butcher - General use fruits have a rich heirloom flavor and a deep red color, inside and out. If it's hard for you to wait for ordinary tomatoes to ripen, try these. In less than 8 weeks, they're ready to enjoy... and enjoy you will. Plants will yield five to nine 3-4 oz. fruits per cluster. Plants require staking and will produce until frost. Indeterminate on potato leaf vines. Blue Gold Berries - Incredibly beautiful cherry type in purple and yellow. Long clusters are packed with small, half-inch bright yellow cherry fruit. Each has indigo shoulders, bursting with loads of antioxidants, anthocyanin in this case. The flavor is very sweet and rich, and this has been a heavy producer for me. Sunburn and crack resistant, and the fruit holds well on the vine or in storage. A choice selection out of the original Wild Boar Blue Berries. 80 days. Blush - Gorgeous yellow fruit with blushes of red when fully ripe... this is a julienne cherry tomato known for its exceptionally sweet, tropical flavor. Its 2" elongated fruits are juicy, flavorful, and great for fresh eating! They're ready to harvest when those red and pink blushes first appear on the yellow skin. Or, pick prematurely to ripen off the vine without compromise (and to make a delicious snack for enjoying with your favorite veggie dip!). Blush produces heavy yields of stunningly colored fruit over a long period of time. It likes well-drained soil enriched with humus, plus a full day of sunlight. The vines can grow between 6-8'. Indeterminate. 75 days to maturity. Brin de Miguet - A French heirloom whose means “Lily of the Valley” in French. Indeterminate, regular leaf, plant produces high yields of large, red, slightly oval cherry tomatoes with a pointed tip at the blossom end. Excellent sweet flavor. Best flavor when fully ripe. Very good keeper. Excellent canning tomato. Indeterminate - 72 Days. Charlie Chaplin - High yields of 4 to 10 oz scarlet red ruffled tomatoes. They are juicy and very flavorful. The mature fruit are almost hollow and resembles a bell pepper. It makes a great stuffing tomato and is perfect for and making decorative slices and wedges for gourmet dishes. The unique accordion shape makes an interesting presentation! Always a great seller at Farmer’s Markets and an excellent choice for home gardens and specialty market growers. A heirloom variety. Indeterminate. 78 days. Cherokee Purple - Originating from Tennessee, are thought to have been passed down from Native Americans of the Cherokee tribe. This heirloom tomato variety consistently ranks very high in taste tests. Slice Cherokee Purple tomato for rich, dark color and unmatched sweet, rich taste on sandwiches or in salads. The tomato is a beautiful dusky pink with a deep, rich-red interior. Cherokee Purple grows well in most regions of the U.S. Let the fruit ripen on the vine for the best flavor. This one is a consistent taste test winner at tomato fests around the country. For an heirloom, it is a good producer. Vigorous indeterminate vines benefit from strong staking or caging. 80 - 90 days. Chocolate Cherry - These highly-productive plants produce trusses of 1" fruit non-stop throughout the summer. Dark purple in color, sweet and delicious in taste, this cherry makes a beautiful addition to any salad. Many people believe this is the best-tasting cherry tomato on the market. Aaron Whaley, the founder of Seed Savers Exchange developed this tomato trying to create a plant which was superior and more uniform than the Black Cherry variety. Chocolate Pear - Gorgeous pear-shaped cherries are light red swirled with various shades of green and brown - great for farmers markets and home gardeners that want to mix fruits into salable pints or to simply enjoy for personal use. Fruits have a rich tomato flavor and make a beautiful presentation mixed with red, yellow and orange tomatoes. A consistent taste-test winner in trials. Indeterminate - 70 days. Christmas Grapes - Highly productive and easy-to-grow, this rewarding variety produces loads of 1-1/2 to 2 oz., bright scarlet-red fruits clustered in grape-like bunches. Fruits are very sweet at first bite, followed by strong tomato flavor. Indeterminate - 75 Days. Cuban Black - This is a flattened beefsteak with a dark mahogany body and slight green shoulders on determinate/semi-determinate bushy plants. 6 - 8 ounce fruits are sweet, solid and meaty making this a great variety for slicing, canning, sauces, salsa or juice. Regular leaves - 85 days. Golden Jubilee - First introduced in 1943 as an All-America Selection, Jubilee bears large tomatoes with very meaty, thick-walled interiors and mild flavor. The globe-shaped, golden-orange fruit is similar to Sunray. Has meaty, thick walls and few seeds. High yielding. The indeterminate vines benefit from strong staking or caging, and are widely adapted throughout the US except in northernmost portions. Resistant to alternaria stem canker. This was a heavy producer of very uniform fruit for me in East Central Ohio. Golden Pearl (Micro)- A beautiful little micro/dwarf cherry tomato that performs well indoors or out. It also does very well in 3/4 to 1 gallon containers. Growing to roughly 1.5 feet at maturity, this gem is very prolific and hardy. Its fruits are sweet, earthy and soft. A little staking may be necessary... mine didn't need it. Fruits begin to ripen about 70 days after transplant. Expect plenty of little yellow tomatoes for an extended period! Great as a treat or in salads. Might also be good for jams and jellies! Green Doctor's Frosted - These cherry tomatoes are small, round, yellowish-green fruits, averaging two centimeters in size and weighing less than an ounce. The "frosted" refers to a mutation that gives them clear skin. Their flavor can be somewhat mild at the start of the season, but they quickly develop a deliciously sweet taste with a balancing hint of tartness, and are considered a low acidity variety. These tiny tomatoes grow on large, 1.5 to 2-meter tall vines in clusters of about 8 to 10. This is a very high-yielding indeterminate variety, meaning it’s a long, sprawling vine plant that will bear fruit continuously throughout the season. Green Doctors cherry tomatoes ripen when they begin to turn yellow. Here in Ohio, this was one of my biggest, most productive plants. Indeterminate - 75 Days. Honey Delight - Honey Delight tomatoes are bright yellow, cherry-sized fruits that are 5 cm in diameter. These are indeterminate vines. They are sweet and mild, with a great sugar-acid balance. Honey Delight tomatoes are prolific croppers, with a first harvest about 15 weeks after sowing the seeds. They are also disease resistant and can tolerate high heat. 87 days. Indigo Rose - The first high anthocyanin (a naturally occurring pigment that has been shown to fight disease in humans) tomato commercially available anywhere in the world. The high amount of anthocyanin creates quite a vibrant indigo on 2" round fruits. The purple coloring occurs on the portion of the fruit that is exposed to light, while the shaded portion starts out green and turns deep red when mature. Inside, the flesh reveals the same red tone with a superbly balanced, multi-faceted tomato flavor. Allow fruits to mature completely for best flavor. Bred at Oregon State University. Heavy yielder. Indeterminate. 75 days. Kentucky Beefsteak - Massive orange/yellow beefsteaks from the hills of eastern Kentucky. My biggest were over a 1 1/2 pounds. These have a low acid, mellow flavor. Indeterminate - 100 Days. Kleebatt Von Togo - Originally from Togo in West Africa. These are a beautiful large cherry tomato. Red... but they look almost hot pink because they have a slight peach blush at the top and gold sparkles in the skin. Pretty stunning in the sunlight. Early and prolific. These were my first ripe tomatoes last year. Marbles (Yellow) - A vigorous growing cherry tomato bearing huge amounts of marble sized, yellow/orange ripening fruits. The fruits have a great, classic, sweet cherry tomato flavor with a bit of acid. Early bearing and good in cooler climates. 65 days. Mary Robinson's German Bicolor - Gorgeous bi-colored fruits are large and yellow with blush-colored streaks. The flavor is sweet and mild, and they are great for slicing. Good yields. 85 days. Matt's Wild Cherry - For a long season of tiny (5/8" to 3/4"), red Cherries with full, definitely sweet flavor, try 'Matt’s Wild Cherry.' It is so-named because the seeds originally came from Hidalgo in Eastern Mexico, where the plants grow wild. An early maturing variety, about 60 days from transplant. Indeterminate. Opalka - Fruits are richer and more flavorful than most paste tomatoes. A long, pepper-shaped type with fruits that grow to 4 to 6" long, clustered in groups of 2 to 5. These were a great producer for me in Ohio. So sweet and refreshing, it can be eaten straight off the vine, but is highly prized for sauces and canning. Indeterminate - 85 days. Oxheart - These produce big, beautiful, heart-shaped tomatoes known mostly to old-time gardeners. Tomatoes are simply beautiful with their pointed shape, but it is the intense tomato flavor that really makes this one special. Both meaty and juicy, its sweet, rich flavors erupt from its deep pink flesh. Large, fleshy and smooth skinned fruits. I had several that were pushing two pounds. Indeterminate - 80 Days. Pascal de Picardie - Mid season. Indeterminate growth, regular leaf plant developed by Dean Slater. Named for Antigny Pascal Picard, collector who participated in the selection of this variety. The fruits are elongated, plum shaped with a small nipple on it's blossom end. Fruit weight from 120 to 200 gr. Pink colored with indigo-purple shoulders. Good flavor. Very productive. Piglet Willie's French Black - A saladette variety that produces dark, 2-3″ fruit with a wonderful, full-bodied taste. Very dark chocolate/red with green shoulders, ripens in clusters of 4 to 5. Produces well in a variety of geographic locations and in containers as well as in the ground. 75 Days, Indeterminate Pink Berkley Tie Dye - Every bite of this psychedelic-colored beefsteak-type is an experience. Big, succulent fruit can reach 8-12 ounces with a complex blend of flavors. The vivid, rosy-blushed fruit has iridescent, green skin with sunny yellow streaks and an interior that's a fascinating kaleidoscope of green with trails of red and yellow. The relatively compact, indeterminate plants produce early for such a large, delectable tomato. 65 - 75 days. Pink Brandywine - Large light-pink beefsteak variety. Superbly rich and delicious-tasting, large and juicy fruit. Needs heat and full season to ripen, but they are well worth the wait. Vining/Indeterminate - I believe these are potato leaf but can't remember for sure. 80-100 days. Pink Jazz - These were HUGE. All mine were just under or just over 2 pounds and I wasn't trying to get huge tomatoes. Suitable for home gardens, market growers, and open field production. Indeterminate - 85 days. Pruden's Purple - Vigorous indeterminate vines with potato leaf foliage produce 1 pound fruits with excellent sweet, balanced classic tomato flavor. This dark pink beefsteak tomato dates to the 19th century when “purple” was used to describe pink tomato color, long before the more recent proliferation of black and purple tomato varieties. Sometimes incorrectly listed in catalogs as being related to Brandywine, it is a comparable beefsteak type but ripens a week or two earlier and is much less finicky about growing conditions, especially less susceptible to cracking. Has some resistance to late blight. A great choice for new gardeners looking for a dependable heirloom beefsteak tomato. Purple Smudge - Medium-size fruits that are bright orange with purple speckles and blotches on the top half. The purple coloring is the result of anthocyanin pigment in the skin. Weighs 4-10 ounces. The flesh is soft. Indeterminate - 75-80 Days. Red Brandywine - Flavorful but not acidic, it is a large-lobed, beefsteak-shaped tomato with a thin, pinkish-red skin. Very vigorous. Best if staked, caged, or trellised. Perfect for slicing. Rosella - This indeterminate plant produces long tresses of 6-10 small 1/2″ cocktail sized fruits with deep smoldering purple and a tinge of green at the stem. It is not the earliest to mature but is well worth the wait. Everyone loves these little tomatoes. San Marzano 2 - Originating in the volcanic fields near Mount Vesuvius, this acclaimed variety comes to us from the foremost Italian seed house. Known as the best cooking Tomato in the world, we cannot sing its praises loudly enough. San Marzano 2 is disease-resistant and grows in bunches of five to six large fruits on indeterminate vines, ripening to a brilliant red with lustrous green shoulders. Producing over a long period of time, the crack-resistant fruit holds well on the vine. San Marzano 2 has a wonderful, delicate taste and a solid, meaty texture and is easy to use in the kitchen. It has an elongated plum shape, only two small seed pockets that are easily scooped out and an easy-to-peel skin. San Marzano 2's high sugar content helps create its big Tomato taste and rich consistency. 80-90 days. Scheherazade - Very unique large-fruited variety with beautiful velvety leaves and fruits. Determinate, height of 1 meter. Fruits are elongate-shaped, reminiscent of large, velvety, orange-red peaches (can be called "tomato peach"). Fruits are delicious, weighing 200-300 gr, perfect for fresh consumption and for canning. Snow White - Produces high yields of ½ to 1 oz white cherry tomatoes. They are very sweet and flavorful. Perfect for salads, garnishes, or culinary creations. Try growing red, yellow, and white cherry tomatoes for a colorful salad. An excellent choice for home gardens. Indeterminate. 75 days. Splash of Cream - Very attractive plants that produce small to medium round, striped fruits. 90 days. Variegation can come and go. The fruit seems to be resistant to blemishes and cracking. Sweetie Cherry - The Sweetie Tomato is a prolific variety that produces an abundance of super sweet, small cherry-sized tomatoes, perfect for patio containers. This cherry tomato variety is one of the sweetest cherries around, as it boasts 12-14% sugar content and can be used for making juice or preserves without adding any extra sugar. This tomato grows exceptionally well in the home garden and will continuously produce until the first frost in fall. Sweetie produces .5-1″ inch fruits in clusters of 15-20. Mature in 65 days from transplant. Thorburn's Terra Cotta - Thorburn’s Terra Cotta tomato is a very old American heirloom, that was introduced in 1893 by J.M. Thorburn & Company of New York. This tomato was almost forgotten, but in 1993 seeds of ‘Thorburn’s Terra-Cotta’ came into the Dr. William Woys Weaver’s ‘Roughwood Seed Collection’ as a part of a parcel of seeds given to him while lecturing in Salem, New Jersey, USA. Indeterminate, regular leaf plants. In the middle of the season it produce a very good yield of beautiful, dark orange/brown colored beefsteaks with some green shoulders and copper or terra-cotta colored flesh. Later in the season, when it is getting colder, production tends to decrease. Midseason, about 75 days to maturity.White Currant - Treat yourself to one of the most unique and sweetest tasting tomato varieties known. The tiny fruit are half the size of a cherry tomato and grow in nice heavy clusters. Creamy-white in color with just a tinge of yellow. Deliciously sweet, a favorite of many trial ground visitors. Indeterminate. 70-75 Days White Wonder - This very mild, sweet tasting variety has skin and flesh that are white when ripe! The very attractive plant has vines that are very large and bushy, with fruit weighing about 4 ounces each. A real conversation piece! High sugar content. Indeterminate vines. 85 daysGet it delivered to your door fast – save time, gas & money I offer combined shipping as well as volume discounts on anything purchased from me. To receive these discounts, you must use the cart and pay for all items together. Additional flat rate or free shipping items ship at no additional charge. Books will combine based on weight via media mail - the amount you pay will be exactly what it costs me to ship - there is no Ebay discount on media mail. I am happy to work with you on combining shipping on anything I have for sale.

Price: 1 USD

Location: Newcomerstown, Ohio

End Time: 2024-02-14T19:30:31.000Z

Shipping Cost: 4.26 USD

Product Images

Heirloom Tomato Seeds - Many Unusual Varieties - One Shipping Charge Heirloom Tomato Seeds - Many Unusual Varieties - One Shipping Charge Heirloom Tomato Seeds - Many Unusual Varieties - One Shipping Charge

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money Back

Non-Domestic Product: No

Common Name: Tomato

Custom Bundle: No

Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor

Color: Assorted

Growth Habit: Varies

Vegetable Type: Tomato

Modified Item: No

Brand: Rescue Handmade

Season of Interest: Summer

Type: Vegetable Seeds

Life Cycle: Annual

Watering: Medium

Unit Type: Unit

Genus: Solanum

Sunlight: Full Sun

Features: Edible, Open-Pollinating

Cultivating Difficulty: Easy

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Unit Quantity: One

Available Variations

Color: Basinga x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 14

Quantity Sold: 13

Color: Beautiful Dreamer x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 20

Quantity Sold: 16

Color: Bisignano x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 16

Quantity Sold: 13

Color: Black Bayou x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 27

Quantity Sold: 27

Color: Black Brown Boar x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: Blush x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 20

Quantity Sold: 18

Color: Mary Robinson's German Bicolor x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 16

Quantity Sold: 13

Color: Purple Smudge x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 22

Quantity Sold: 18

Color: Snow White x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 13

Quantity Sold: 13

Color: Americke Pyramidni x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 14

Quantity Sold: 12

Color: Blue Gold Berries x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 30

Quantity Sold: 27

Color: Charlie Chaplin x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 23

Quantity Sold: 17

Color: Opalka x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 24

Quantity Sold: 23

Color: Oxheart x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 14

Quantity Sold: 12

Color: Splash of Cream x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 19

Quantity Sold: 16

Color: Scherazade x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 16

Quantity Sold: 13

Color: White Wonder x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 12

Quantity Sold: 9

Color: Amy's Sugar Gem x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 18

Quantity Sold: 15

Color: Apelsin x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 10

Quantity Sold: 9

Color: Black Dragon x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 25

Quantity Sold: 23

Color: Cherokee Purple x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 24

Quantity Sold: 23

Color: Gold Pearl (Micro) x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 13

Quantity Sold: 9

Color: Kentucky Beefsteak x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 18

Quantity Sold: 15

Color: Kleebatt Von Togo x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 14

Quantity Sold: 10

Color: Matt's Wild Cherry x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 12

Quantity Sold: 8

Color: Pink Berkley Tie Dye x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 23

Quantity Sold: 20

Color: Pruden's Purple x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 19

Quantity Sold: 18

Color: Apricot Brandywine x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 16

Quantity Sold: 10

Color: Christmas Grapes x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 10

Quantity Sold: 8

Color: Green Doctor's Frosted x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 11

Quantity Sold: 9

Color: Thorburn's Terra Cotta x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 33

Quantity Sold: 29

Color: Big Red x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 2

Quantity Sold: 2

Color: Black Brandywine x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 17

Quantity Sold: 13

Color: Chocolate Cherry x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 15

Quantity Sold: 15

Color: Golden Jubilee x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: Marbles (Yellow) x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 0

Quantity Sold: 0

Color: Piglet Willie's French Black x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 13

Quantity Sold: 10

Color: Red Brandywine x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 11

Quantity Sold: 11

Color: Tsungshigo x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 12

Quantity Sold: 11

Color: Pascal de Picardie x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 8

Quantity Sold: 8

Color: Polish Pastel x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 9

Quantity Sold: 8

Color: Maria Nagy Heart x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 8

Quantity Sold: 5

Color: Alice's Dream x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 10

Quantity Sold: 10

Color: Indigo Rose x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 13

Quantity Sold: 13

Color: Sweetie x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 10

Quantity Sold: 6

Color: White Currant x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 19

Quantity Sold: 16

Color: Black Krim x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 20

Quantity Sold: 18

Color: Holy Land Yellow Strain x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 14

Quantity Sold: 12

Color: Howard German x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 5

Color: Lucinda x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 5

Color: Bianca Grande x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 12

Quantity Sold: 10

Color: Big Rainbow x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 23

Quantity Sold: 20

Color: Brin de Muguet x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 12

Quantity Sold: 6

Color: Veni Vendi Vici x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 5

Color: Lilac x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: Omar's Lebanese x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 12

Quantity Sold: 11

Color: Boondocks x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 5

Quantity Sold: 4

Color: Azerbagan of Boku x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 5

Quantity Sold: 3

Color: Shah Mikado White x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 7

Quantity Sold: 2

Color: Amish Paste x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 0

Quantity Sold: 0

Color: Big Italian Plum x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 5

Quantity Sold: 2

Color: Black Mountain Pink x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 2

Color: Chocolate Pear x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 2

Quantity Sold: 1

Color: Hazelfield Farm x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 3

Quantity Sold: 1

Color: Honey Delight x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 0

Color: Pink Jazz x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 3

Quantity Sold: 2

Color: Rosella x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 4

Quantity Sold: 0

Color: San Marzano 2 x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 2

Color: Sart Rolaise x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 6

Quantity Sold: 1

Color: Yellow Brandywine x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 3

Quantity Sold: 1

Color: Black Plum x 10 Seeds

Price: 1.25 USD

Available Quantity: 2

Quantity Sold: 0

Color: Isis Candy x 10 Seeds

Price: 1 USD

Available Quantity: 1

Quantity Sold: 0




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Rescued Handmade Girl Wall Art  Quilt 29x 29 God Baby
Rescued Handmade Girl Wall Art Quilt 29x 29 God Baby


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Dog Cat Pet Handmade Quilt Rescue Shelter Gift Blanket Bedding Red White Blue
Dog Cat Pet Handmade Quilt Rescue Shelter Gift Blanket Bedding Red White Blue


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Moss The Elf Ooak Disney Animatior Doll Repaint/Rescue Handmade
Moss The Elf Ooak Disney Animatior Doll Repaint/Rescue Handmade


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Firefighter Rescue handmade wooden American flag made in North Georgia USA
Firefighter Rescue handmade wooden American flag made in North Georgia USA


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NWT Handmade Exotic Woods  20" Necklace    CAT RESCUE
NWT Handmade Exotic Woods 20" Necklace CAT RESCUE


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Handmade Country Blue Prints Kitty Cat Quilt Throw CAT RESCUE
Handmade Country Blue Prints Kitty Cat Quilt Throw CAT RESCUE


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